Thanksgiving Tidbits

Did you know these interesting Thanksgiving facts?

·        The Pilgrim leader, Governor William Bradford, organized the first Thanksgiving feast in 1621 (in Plymouth, MA). He invited the neighboring Wampanoag Indians to the feast.

·        The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days.

·        Mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, popcorn, milk, corn on the cob, and cranberries were not foods present on the first Thanksgiving's feast table.

·        Lobster, rabbit, chicken, fish, squashes, beans, chestnuts, hickory nuts, onions, leeks, dried fruits, maple syrup and honey, radishes, cabbage, carrots, eggs, and goat cheese are thought to have made up the first Thanksgiving feast.

·        Sarah Josepha Hale, an American magazine editor, persuaded Abraham Lincoln to declare Thanksgiving a national holiday. She is also the author of the popular nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb"

·        Abraham Lincoln issued a 'Thanksgiving Proclamation' on October  3rd, 1863 and officially set aside the last Thursday of November as the national day for Thanksgiving.

·        In the US, about 280 million turkeys are sold for Thanksgiving celebrations.

·        The heaviest turkey ever raised was 86 pounds, about the size of a large dog.

·        Turkey has more protein than chicken or beef.

·        Turkeys have heart attacks. The United States Air Force was doing test runs and breaking the sound barrier. Nearby turkeys dropped dead with heart attacks.

Facts taken directly from (minus the italicized)


There are many among us who could use a little extra help and care this holiday season. If you’re able to donate goods, money, or time, here are a few suggestions in the area:

North End Soup Kitchen, 735 E Stewart Ave, Flint, MI 48505, (810) 785-6911

Carriage Town Ministries, 605 Garland St., Flint, MI 48503, (810) 233-8787,

FISH of Grand Blanc Food Pantry, P.O. Box 367 Grand Blanc, MI 48439, (810) 695-1880,

OCEF (Ortonville Community Emergency Fund), 825 S. Ortonville Rd., P.O. Box 282, Ortonville, MI 48462, (810) 627-3965, x103,      An OCEF food donation box is located at Bueche's Food World, 400 N. Ortonville Road. Donations can also be dropped off at St. Anne Church, 825 S. Ortonville Road, where monetary donations can also be mailed in the form of a check made out to OCEF.  OCEF provides a food pantry year-round for families needing help, but as the holidays approach, increased donations are essential for providing Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.